What is Poikiloderma & How To Treat It?

What is Poikiloderma & How To Treat It?

We have seen an increasing number of patients attending clinic with concerns about the neck. Many people are guilty of focusing time and attention mostly on the face and neglecting the neck, however when skin conditions arise, it is important to see a professional. Read on to find out more about Poikiloderma of Civatte.

Common complaints in this area include lines and creases and pigmentation. Many of these symptoms can be combatted with an effective home care regime, however there are other symptoms that require professional attention.

What is Poikiloderma?

Image source: healthline.com

A combination of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia and atrophy is what usually characterises this skin condition, officially termed Poikiloderma of Civatte, which is usually associated with years of sun damage.

This can be a difficult skin condition to treat and often takes time to see measurable improvements, however, with time and patience and some new additions to our comprehensive treatment menu, positive results can be achieved.

Patients that we have seen presenting with symptoms of Poikiloderma are usually recommended a combination of low fluence Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and MeLine peels, alongside a home care protocol following a thorough in-clinic consultation, and we have found this can give steady but significant results.


IPL is a little uncomfortable but it carefully targets hyperpigmentation and more visible telangiectasia. It's a quick treatment with no downtime.


MeLine is a new generation of peel using Tranexamic Acid to help reduce the specific inflammatory action that causes pigmentation. It can also calm the skin and helps with the restoration of skin's natural barrier.We have seen lovely results in clinic with this combination of treatments and with time, patience and consistent use of home care products a real improvement in Poikiloderma symptoms can be achieved.A course of MeLine Peels with the first month home care products is £499. The addition of IPL is £25 for a patch test and £99 per session. We recommend a course of 2 to 4 treatments.

For more information or to book your free consultation, please contact the clinic reception team on 0113 282 3300, email info@facethefuture.co.uk or book online.

Written for you by: Kate, Face the Future

Image source: freepik.com

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